Waterproof Wood
Our journey with waterproof wood started almost 50 years ago with an enquiry for a timber sink, but the story goes back over 300 years...
When porcelain first arrived here from China at the end of the 17th century it was highly prized, very expensive and extremely fragile, far too delicate to wash in the stone sinks of the time. Hence the need for a timber sink. They were made first of oak, then of teak. They leaked like sieves but the timber was soft enough not to break the porcelain and soon every household, wealthy enough to own pieces of porcelain, had one.
We re-engineered the traditional design to make it unfailingly reliable, and over the years we have developed a series of companion designs for baths, basins, shower trays and tiles using the same technology.
In the information that follows please note that in all categories we can design and make bespoke items in addition to the core items described here.