Our Company
William Garvey Ltd work with interior designers, architects, contractors and private individuals on super-yachts, villas, houses and apartments both in the UK and internationally. Recent bespoke projects include making and fitting furniture for a palace in Jordan, a super-yacht interior, a villa in Qatar, stunning London interiors at Eaton Square, Holland Park and Queens Gate Terrace as well as other smaller individual items of beautiful bespoke furniture.
We design, make and fit unique items; inlaid dining tables, leather bound desks, bespoke libraries, vanity units, wooden baths, basins and shower trays & duckboards, wardrobes, cupboards, boardroom tables, etc., and also make and install complete interiors such as bathrooms, steam and treatment rooms, kitchens, living spaces and offices in fact any project that needs beautifully crafted bespoke furniture.
We also make the furniture that's a little bit tricky and that other companies would turn down as being too difficult or complex. For example we've made speciality ping pong tables with all leather stitching and a glass 'net', shelves in the shape of a tree, a pergola made of cedar of Lebanon bigger than a house and many other interesting pieces that other companies wouldn't have the skills or experience to attempt.
Working with all materials including leather, metals and inlays - not just wood, our highly experienced team have been designing and installing furniture for over 50 years.
Our team of over 30 cabinet makers, project managers and an excellent drawing office are always looking for new and exciting projects, whether large or small, we look forward to hearing from you.